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Vinland Saga Season 2 AnimeDao

Vinland Saga Season 2

Vinland Saga Season 2


AnimeDao Sharing today Vinland Saga Season 2. Following the death of his father and the devastation of his community at the attacks of English pirates, Einar wishes for a peaceful life with his family on their newly constructed farms. But destiny has other plans for him and his village is encroached upon by the Danes once more. Einar stands in awe as invading Danes take over his land and massacre his family. The invaders take Einar and return him to Denmark as slave.

Einar holds on to his mother’s last words to be able to survive. He is rescued by Ketil an amiable landlord and owner of a slave who assures that Einar will be free by working on the farm. Soon, Einar encounters his new partner in farm cultivation–Thorfinn, a dejected and melancholic slave. While Einar and Thorfinn strive to achieve their freedom and freedom, they are haunted by the guilt from the past and the tricks of the present. However, they persist searching for a hint in the hope of redemption, hope as well as peace, in an environment which is not just unfair and intolerant.

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