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Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen

Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen

Kizumonogatari III Reiketsu-hen


After assisting in the revival of the legendary vampire, Kiss-shot Acerola’s Heart-under-blade Koyomi Araragi is now an actual vampire and her aide. Kiss-shot is sure she can change him back to human again however, only after regaining all her power.
Araragi has scoured his three vampire hunter who defeated Kiss-shot, and has retrieved her limbs and returned her full power. Now that Araragi is close to achieving the goal he’s fought for throughout the entire time and is now able to decide whether this is what is really his goal. If he can revive this immortal vampire, there’s no way to predict what she will accomplish, and there will be no stopping her.

There’s something else to this story Araragi isn’t able to comprehend. If a young vampire similar to him could beat the hunters and defeat them, how did they do it? Kiss-shot? Does he have faith in her abilities to make him an human? How is that possible?

Araragi is reaching his limits but he’s got to come to a conclusion that may not be feasible to resolve the issue without taking action that he’ll regret.

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